AMMAN – DNV GL’s audit team decided to recertify Middle East University’s ISO 9001:2015, upon assessing its effective implementation of the quality management system in accordance with international standards. The University celebrates yet another successful endeavour towards advancing its academic and administrative performances.
The Acting University President, Prof. Ala’aldeen al-Halhouli, said, “Our wise administrative vision merits such achievements on local and international scales. We aspire to develop our conceptualisation of higher education and keep pace with the field’s advancements, especially in terms of our effective implementation of the quality management system at all departments and faculties.” He added, “We must employ the necessary tools to measure the effect of our strategic decisions on our objective to enhance our operational systems. Obtaining the ISO certificate is the fruit of our efforts towards achieving prominence, and a dedication to our staff’s responsibility towards maintaining excellence.”
The DNV GL audit team recommended recertifying MEU’s ISO 9001:2015 upon assessing its adoption of a sound administrative system for all higher education and research operations. The team confirmed the University’s ardent commitment to developing its performance, academic programmes, and quality of its outputs in accordance with international standards and labour market requirements.
The ISO 9001:2015 adopts the PDCA management method and a risk-based thinking by determining and analysing possible risks that could affect the University’s operations. Accordingly, it ensures an effective management of operations, maintains the quality of educational outputs, and allows for a pre-emptive employment of precautionary measures.