International Projects
Advanced Teaching and training on Smart grid and Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems (AT-SGIRES). Project No. 585648-EPP-1-2017-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. (European Union – Erasmus + CBHE)
AT-SGIRES is an ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME Project Number: 585648-EPP-1-2017-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, approved by the European Commission under grant agreement number 2012-3324/001-001. This project has been funded by the European Commission. Renewable Energy (RE) is expected to be one of the main solutions for clean power supply and covering the shortage in the electrical power as the case of many countries in MENA like Syria, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt. Smart Grids (SG) are expected to be a key enabler in the integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the electrical networks. A better understanding of the SG concept enables the faster and more sustainable development of the RE and SG market. However, this knowledge field is underrepresented in the existing technically overwhelmed teaching curricula at universities and hence, is considered a deficit that should be reduced. The importance of this project comes from tackling this problem by integrating the SG and the methods of integrating RES to the electrical grid in RE teaching Programmes offered at HEIs in beneficiary countries. Finally, this project main objective is to provide a high-quality education for MENA students in the key aspects of Smart grid concept with the emphasis on its application and technology, therefore enabling them to take responsible, creative, challenging and stimulating posts in policymaking, industry or research in this targeted field.
Digital Twin Software to Control Part of Jordanian Electrical Networks with Considering the Cyber-Security Aspect. Agreement No. TSP2021/100162. (Royal Academy of Engineering/UK)
This project tackles two of the SDGs, which are energy decarbonisation and digital revolution for sustainable development. The key players to decarbonise the energy sector are integrating renewable energy sources and electrifying heat and transport – these goals require digitalization of the electrical grid and transform it into a smart one. On the other hand, the smart grid’s advanced communication technologies could introduce new vulnerabilities and increase cyber threat exposure. The challenge in this smart grid is to manage a large system with many components securely. Cyber-attacks might lead to equipment failure, blackouts, customer privacy breach, and endangered operating personal safety. According to a recently published report from the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), cyber-attacks are costing UK firms £34 billion – split roughly 50-50 between revenue and intellectual losses (£18bn) and subsequent increased IT spending (£16bn). In the Arab region, cybercrimes and security threats have become a new danger facing companies operation in the region, which threaten vital facilities such as energy and communications. One of the goal of this project is to investigate cyber-physical security integrated with the real-time control and management system of a smart distribution network. The project also aims to develop a digital cyber-twin model which is a virtual model of the actual power network.
Initiative Sanitation and Hygiene Networking in Jordan (poverty pockets). Agreement No. ISNJ–DIA-2021-118. (Royal Academy of Engineering/UK)
This project aims to develop interdisciplinary networks and partnerships across the local, regional and globe to respond effectively to sanitation and hygiene challenges in Jordan (poverty pockets). The rationale for this project stems from the perspective of complexity of including all stakeholders (including experts, professionals, users, governmental body and private sector) all are involved in multidisciplinary continuous challenge of design, financing and delivering adequate, sanitation and hygiene system which is really needed specially in this term due to the COVID pandemic in Jordan. It cannot be solved by the experts, professionals, and policymakers working away separately. There is a serious need for building capacity, community collaboration and improvement in the sanitation and hygiene system for vulnerable people in several spots in Jordan focusing on poverty pockets in Jerash, Irbid, Karak and others as the proposal works on Irbid and Jerash as case studies-by using industry, embrace sustainability through new methods and innovative technologies. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the need to provide adequate and safe sanitation and hygiene system in particular for the vulnerable communities to prevent spreading pandemic and provide safety between residents. As global vision, UNHCR wash manual 2020 is mention that goal No. 6 of SDG which is “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all by year 2030”. This focus on universal coverage, “for all‟, means that vulnerable people and other Persons of Concern must be included in National Development Plans for Water and Sanitation.