Bcs Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is the oldest branch of engineering, and it represents creativity and technical skill in its many fields. Civil engineering is the engineering branch that includes the planning, design, construction and operation of basic facilities for modern life, starting from water supply and treatment, construction of drainage networks, pipelines, pumping, purification and treatment stations, design and implementation of various transmission lines, roads, bridges, railways and airports, as well as soil engineering, foundations, tunnels, underground facilities, and installations Reinforced concrete, steel and building materials, except for surveying, management and construction engineering. Civil engineering is a solution to urban problems and to meet the challenges of pollution, congestion in traffic, drinking water, energy needs, urbanization, communities and planning.

The civil engineer designs the main features of the project and then proceeds to draw plans, prepare specifications, and estimate the feasibility and cost of engineering projects, so we can summarize the tasks of the engineer with four main tasks; The stage of planning and preparing the economic feasibility of projects, the stage of design, auditing, and preparation of construction and implementation plans, the stage of implementation and supervision, as a supervisory engineer, a consultant engineer, and a structural engineer, the post-implementation stage that includes maintenance, development and restoration work.

The civil engineering program at the Middle East University is distinguished by the modernity of study plans that keep pace with the requirements of the local and international market by introducing new topics such as building information modeling and advanced project management. The department also provides training courses for students and graduates to qualify students and graduates for the job market. The Department of Civil Engineering at the University of the Middle East is distinguished by the availability of laboratories that keep pace with the development in engineering plans and labor market requirements. Hydrology laboratory, geotechnology laboratory, road materials laboratory, environmental laboratory, building materials laboratory, and survey laboratory.