Faculty Arts and Educational Sciences


English Language & Literature

Arabic Language & Literature

Applied Translation

Educational Technology

Sport management & Training



ِِAcademic Programs




Dean's Message

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the Middle East University (MEU). Over the past years, MEU has been making steady progress and growth; we are committed to making it sustain this growth.


About Faculty of Arts and Sciences

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the Middle East University (MEU). Over the past years, MEU has been making steady progress and growth; we are committed to making it sustain this growth. The Faculty consists of four departments: the Arabic Department, the English Department, the Political Science Department and the Department of Basic Sciences and General Studies. The drive of the degree granting departments will continue to be on preparing students in these fields in order to meet the requirements of an ever-changing job market.

Our life in Faculty of Arts and Sciences