MEU – Dr. Yacoub Nasereddin, Chair of Trustees, held the ceremony for honoring the staff of the Faculty of Business for receiving the Quality Assurance Certificate. He expressed his sincere pride of the university family in general and particularly in the personnel of the Deanship of Accreditation, Quality and Information and the Faculty of Business. He said that this achievement is the fruit of the continuous efforts of the academic and the administrative staff towards reaching the university’s strategic plan to advance in local and international rankings. This outlook to more accomplishments requires the highest levels of commitment and keeping up to date with the international developments in quality control and assurance, all while advancing the level of the academic experience.
From his side, Dr. Ala’addin Al Halhouli, President of MEU, pointed out that the MEU receiving the Quality Assurance Certificate in a continuation of its outstanding approach to quality, which has become a compulsory requirement as per the university’s strategic plan. He also expressed his acknowledgement of the efforts exerted at the Faculty of Business in order to finally earn the certificate.
Prof. Ahmad Al Lawzi, Dean of Accreditation, Quality and Information also noted the significance of the Faculty of Business’s receiving of the certificate, being the largest faculty at the MEU in terms of the number of students and programs. This achievement, he said, proves the serious steps taken at the faculty to respond to the university’s goal to increase performance quality. Such certificates, he said, contribute to enhancing education quality and encourage competitiveness between universities, since they are preliminary to international quality assurance certificates.
Dr. Hisham Abu Saimeh, Dean of Students’ Affairs, also gave a speech expressing that the Faculty of Business, with earning this certificate, proves the outstanding level of its procedures and academic processes that contribute directly to graduating students with the knowledge and experience necessary for the demand of the labour market.