A delegation including participants from the Moral Guidance Department/ Jordan Armed Forces and from Saudi Arabia participated in the ninth advanced media course, held at MEU campus, to keep up with the rapid development in the field of military media and communication.
The course, which included participants from Saudi Arabia, is within MEU’s plan to broaden benefit from the distinguished experience of the Faculty of Media.
Dean of the Faculty of Media, Dr. Hanan Al Sheikh, clarified during the visit that MEU focuses on developing the structure of education by integrating curricula on modern media theories and skills of handling social media network -considering them an important tool to understand and shape the public opinion – with the study plan of the Faculty of Media.
In his turn, the director of the Media Training Center at MEU, Dr. Mazen Al Fiddawi, said that the Faculty is concerned with the practical aspect to qualify its students for the labor market. He added that the Center aims to support students during their studies.
Moreover, Dr. Ramiz Abu Sabra presented a training course on writing, structuring and methods of researching the ideas, arguments and resources of advanced press releases.
It is worth to mention that the participating delegation praised the distinguished cooperative relationship with MEU.